Saturday, October 23, 2010

Question of the Day: Are We Losing it?

The fight for our rights is taking its toll on us. As we get close to equality, the tension continues to grow and grow and grow.

And that's the scary part. Because of minor setbacks and confusing stances on details and laws, many of our fam are kind of losing it.

I was reading one of my favorite blogs, Joe.My.God. and the comments had me floored. His posts on Dan Choi and Valerie Jarrett brought out some nasty and tea party-ish views within our community. I mean, folks were talking about impeaching Obama, calling Valerie a cunt and a whore and how they hope the Dems will lose so they would learn their lesson.

It was sad, disturbing and disheartening to say the least. Now, I understand folks are upset with how DADT has turned out, but does it mean we just lose it and give up? No. This is a setback, but not the end. I'm disappointed in how this going, but I'm not going to lose perspective. There's just no need.

We haven't lost yet. The game ain't over and we should stop acting like it is. After seeing over a 100 sour comments from that post and a few other posts from other blogs, I think we should take a moment and gain a bit of perspective.

This is a civil rights battle. We will not completely fix 20 plus years of oppressive laws in 2 years. It will take time. I made up mind that I can't get angry over assumptions and minor setbacks. I have to be strong in this battle for our rights. It's going to be a long haul. 

But if we get this tripped up, what good we will be when true hard stuff happens? So, I hope folks take a moment, breathe, shake it off and get back in the field. We got our rights to fight for.


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