Friday, January 6, 2012

Interesting Quote: Ken Hutcherson

Ken Hutcherson is stupid pastor who thinks gay marriage in Washington will infringe on his religious freedom:

"As long as the Bible says it's wrong, I'm going to fight against it like it's the last thing I can do. It's no different than any other sin. If someone walked around and said 'We want to be a minority because we are divorcees,' I would fight that just as much. It's going to infringe upon my freedom of religion. Every place this has become the law of the land, you are muzzled about what you can say about the issue of homosexuality. This is the year they think they have to do it in this state or they're not going to get it. Just as hard as they're fighting to get it, I'm going to fight for them not to get it because it's going to have repercussions in this state and in the U.S. that you and I are going to regret over the years."
And you will lose, Ken.



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